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Intelligence artificielle et intelligence du cœur: Opportunités et risques pour la philanthropie

1 Joost Mönks and Charles Sellen 9 June 2020

Tandis que la pandémie de Covid-19 a confiné de larges populations, le développement de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) s’est accéléré. De fait, cette révolution technologique est déjà installée dans nos vies. Mais jusqu’à présent, elle a …

Valuing Asian social enterprise

Mehvesh Mumtaz Ahmed and Ruth Shapiro 2 June 2020

As the coronavirus ravages businesses and communities, people are isolated, thrown out of work, cut off from medical care, and in need of services often provided by social enterprises. But new research shows that social …

Learning from the past to create the present

Rachel Wimpee 2 June 2020

Two stories of philanthropy in the 1940s and 1950s show how the effects of funding can reverberate down the years. In writing for our online storytelling platform, RE:source, I use the archival records of foundations …

Why philanthropy must back democracy education and social movements in Latin America

Eduardo Manuel Val 19 May 2020

What has become of the major advances in the establishment of social and human rights across Latin America? These advances were fuelled by the active participation of popular social movements and philanthropy, yet now so …

Long history of philanthropy and public health: Rockefeller Foundation campaigns in early 1900s

Barbara Shubinski 5 May 2020 For Subscribers

With the outbreak of COVID-19 stretching the capacity of governments and civil society around the world, philanthropies too are considering their role in the crisis. Barbara Shubinski, Director of Research and Education at the Rockefeller …

Fit for the future: Can we emerge stronger from the COVID-19 crisis?

WINGS 28 April 2020

Civil society was not ready for COVID-19. In this, the first of a series of articles aiming to assess changes needed to ensure a stronger supporting environment for civil society, Benjamin Bellegy (WINGS), Chris Worman …

Getting the have-mores to give more

The Beacon Collaborative 14 April 2020

Why don’t wealthy people in the UK give more? A new collaboration is determined to find out – and to change it. The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) reported total giving among the British population at …

Facing the global pandemic: Dispatches from Alliance’s global editorial advisory board

Alliance magazine 24 March 2020

This has been an extraordinary and terrifying week as countries around the world face up to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we have repurposed a conversation between a global group of members from …

Home-grown giving in Africa and Asia

Matt Reeves 3 March 2020

Attracting local donors can pay big dividends – more than just financial ones – and it’s not just about wealthy donors, either The Merti Integrated Development Programme is based in Isiolo, a town in northern …

Memories of a philanthropy pioneer

Wendy Richardson and Leticia Ruiz-Capillas 3 March 2020

A moving and personal tribute to the late Mott Foundation chairman, William S. White, from colleagues and friends Wendy Richardson and Leticia Ruiz-Capillas The red and blue flashing lights in his review mirror – no …