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Climate movements and funders

Alliance magazine 27 October 2020

If the next decade is a flashpoint for the world’s future, the relationship between climate movements working on the ground and the funders who support them is becoming yet more crucial. An expert panel representing …

Intentional investing

Kate Rogers 6 October 2020

When it comes to effecting positive change, what would be the impact if foundations had the same expectations for their endowments as they did for their grantmaking? As climate and health crises close in, more …

A longer view from central and eastern Europe

Merrill Sovner, Barry Gaberman and William S. Moody 1 September 2020

Lessons from five pooled philanthropic funds hold clues for sustaining civil society in the years ahead In 2017, we launched an initiative to examine the legacy and impact of a series of philanthropic investments established …

Independent journalism is essential to democracy

Merel Borger and Ekaterina Mandova 1 September 2020

Civitates has set up a €3 million fund to support public-interest journalism in Europe. Collaborative fund Civitates is to make multi-year commitments for core support to organisations producing independent public-interest journalism. The grants will provide …

Welcome to our sector’s biggest virtual conference

Andrew Milner 1 September 2020

Alliance goes behind the screens at the AVPN annual event and discovers an extraordinary team effort ‘We must have been crazy’ – that was the verdict of AVPN’s Naina Subberwal Batra on the decision to …

Changing the cost recovery paradigm

Peter J. Donaldson 1 September 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic has encouraged greater donor flexibility and perhaps an overdue willingness to cover all costs The Covid-19 pandemic has compelled philanthropic foundations to review their funding policies. As of writing, over 775 US …

Ford Foundation’s plan to issue debt intriguing for its novelty, though not ready to be replicated globally

Alliance magazine 11 August 2020

The Ford Foundation, together with several other large American foundations, announced recently a plan to issue debt to increase grantmaking – an unusual choice in the foundation world. Some have called the move groundbreaking, saying …

Latin America should turn to its women’s movements when rebuilding after COVID-19

1 Amalia Fischer 4 August 2020

Feminism in Latin America is perhaps one of the most vibrant and enduring social movements in the world. Dating back more than 40 years, the organisation of women’s rights movements in Latin America has a …

From tragedies to transformation: Using a racial justice lens in global grantmaking

Lori Villarosa 21 July 2020

Systemic inequities, a global pandemic, and violence from both state and private actors have created the perfect storm. Black, Asian, Indigenous, migrant, Roma and racialised communities around the world have responded to the present moment …

Artificial Intelligence and intelligence of the heart: Opportunities and risks in a post-COVID world

Joost Mönks and Charles Sellen 9 June 2020

Read this article in French or Mandarin. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already all around us, yet this technological revolution has been largely neglected by the philanthropy sector so far. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic has …