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Watchwords and catchwords

Andrew Milner 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

A sideways glance at the evolution of the language of philanthropy over the last two-and-a-half decades As the practice of philanthropy has changed over the last 25 years, so has the language it uses to …

Professionals of humility

Benjamin Bellegy 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

The professionalisation of our field is gathering pace but we must never abandon the art of philanthropy It is no scoop to say that philanthropy has rapidly and deeply professionalised over the past decades. Actually, …

The explosion of online giving

Ingrid Srinath 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Although online giving may have proliferated hugely already, its true potential lies in the years ahead When Alliance magazine ran its first feature article on e-philanthropy on 1 September 2001, it could not have anticipated …

The maturing of Chinese giving

Tao Ze 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Over the last quarter century, China’s philanthropy ecosystem has become more transparent, diverse and digitalised In 1996, there were about 200,000 non-profit organisations (NPOs) registered in China which raised half a billion dollars in annual …

Where will the focus fall?

Alliance magazine 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Philanthropists and practitioners, some of whom were starting out at the same time as Alliance was commencing its own 25-year journey, tell Andrew Milner where they are hoping the philanthropic spotlight will shine during the …

Elite philanthropy in Africa

Bhekinkosi Moyo 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Wealthy Africans should do much more to solve the continent’s problems as inequality continues to grow There seems to be no limit to the growth of inequality in the world in general, and in Africa …

Still seeking good billionaires

Matthew Bishop 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

The idea of philanthrocapitalism has made greater progress than its application, but it can still live up to its promise In early 2006, I wrote a special report for The Economist, called ‘The Business of …

Don’t shoot the philanthropist

Beth Breeze 31 August 2021

It is time to disentangle critiques of philanthropy from critiques of wealth and inequality When the Dutch historian Rutger Bregman talked about ‘stupid philanthropy schemes’ during his now-famous appearance at Davos in 2019, he was …

The rise and rise of billionaire philanthropy

Timothy Ogden 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

As inequality continues to grow, problems with the power of elite philanthropy remain unresolved and evermore pertinent The question behind the Alliance issue in 2011 examining the influence of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation …

Has philanthropy forgotten about ‘the common good’?

Bruce Sievers and Judith Symonds 31 August 2021 For Subscribers

Efforts to create a sense of social solidarity are thwarted by the drive to pursue individual interests at the expense of collective ends In an era of unprecedented wealth, technological advancement, and global interdependence, we …