AVPN Global Conference 2024: One Asia, One Future

Alliance magazine

AVPN Global Conference 2024 brought together investors, philanthropists, corporations, policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and implementing organisations from around the world, working for impact within the Gulf Cooperation Countries and all territories eastward as far as Australia and New Zealand.

While the world continues to face a multitude of uncertainties, Asia has proven resilient, standing up to the economic challenges brought on by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic slowdown. The region is home to some of the fastest growing economies and a significant contributor to global growth.

Conference report

AVPN renews focus on faith-based philanthropy at global event

AVPN Global Conference in the UAE offered promising and optimistic dissussions on faith-based giving, a clarion call on youth mental health, a raft of giving from the Abu Dhabi government, and a hazy warmth. Alliance‘s Investments Editor Claudia Cahalane gives her reflections on the event, here.

‘Hosting the AVPN Global Conference in Abu Dhabi comes at a crucial moment for the whole of Asia, a region currently navigating through transformative economic shifts with sustainability at their core,’ came the opening address from AVPN’s CEO at the organisation’s global event last month. Read more…



CEO of the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation explains its unique model of education philanthropy

Sonia Ben Jaafar is CEO of the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation

Sonia Ben Jaafar is CEO of the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation, one of the largest privately funded philanthropic education initiatives in the Arab world. Prior to that, she was the Managing Director of EduEval, a company she founded to promote evidence-based decisions for a greater positive impact on education. At the AVPN Conference in Abu Dhabi last month, she talked to Charles Keidan about the work of the Foundation and its adoption of a strategic approach to bring system-wide change to vocational education in the region. Read more…


We need to bring every pool of capital to the table, says AVPN’s chief of impact investing

Alliance Investment Editor Claudia Cahalane chats to AVPN’s chief of impact investing, Vikas Arora in a tea break on the last day of the AVPN global forum, Abu Dhabi, and discovers his conference highlights.

‘Imagine a world where every individual, every community has the means to thrive. A world, where we treat our planet with the reverence it deserves, safeguarding it for our children and future generations,’ came the opening address by Vikas Arora, Chief of Impact Investing AVPN, on day two of the organisation’s Global Conference in Abu Dhabi, April 2024. Read more here…

Poll winner

Trust-based philanthropy: charities need to be more honest, say funders

Civil society organisations need to be more honest and open with funders, suggested panellists at AVPN’s global conference session Decoding the Meaning of Trust-Based Philanthropy. Read more…


Reflections from delegates

Exploring ‘aggressive humility’: Eroding siloes between foundations and government

Kasey Oliver, Geneva Global

For an all-too-short hour at the end of the first day, an audience of more than 60 people and I, the moderator, asked the CEOs of two global foundations and a leader of the Emirates Red Crescent to list the ingredients of a successful partnership between philanthropy and government. Read more…


A new vision of Asian philanthropy

Marc Moorghen, MacArthur Foundation

This was my first AVPN Global Conference, but it won’t be my last.

Heading into Abu Dhabi on the heels of the always-inspiring Skoll World Forum, I had no idea what to expect. Wading through 1,300 fellow philanthropy professionals on my way to the first plenary session, I quickly realised that I had somehow found my people: fellow global citizens with one foot firmly in the future. Philanthropy is undergoing a transformation, and nowhere was it more obvious than in this celebration of “Asia West.” Read more…

Rooting change and cultivating support for Indigenous people

Nonette Royo, Tenure Facility

Securing community land as a climate solution strategy is starting to resonate. At AVPN’s Climate Pathfinders event, I heard investors talking about the need to partner with local people to build bottom-up solutions. Investing in development must involve investment in place-based adaptation and resilience. Even if it doesn’t make money immediately, catalytic private finance, and government policy enablers need to come forward and align. Read more…


News from the conference

UAE commits $125 million for global health, poverty alleviation, and species conservation

A raft of funding commitments from government and philanthropic bodies has accompanied the start of a major gathering of philanthropy and impact investors in Abu Dhabi. Read more…

Asia’s new social outcomes marketplace launched by AVPN

AVPN and a new venture called OutcomesX has today launched a social outcomes platform across Asia. They say the initiative is an important move for Asia to meet its $1.5 trillion Sustainable Development Goals deficit. Read more…

UN refugee agency and AVPN explore innovative finance

The UNHCR, the UN’s refugee agency, has teamed up with Asian philanthropy network, AVPN, to explore innovative financial models to help strengthen support for forcibly displaced people in Asia and the Pacific. Read more…

Educational relief fund launches in support of Palestinian students

An education relief fund for Palestinian students has been launched by the Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation (AGF), an Emirati philanthropic organisation. Read more…

Middle East next gen move on from traditional giving

Young philanthropists in the Middle East are showing appetite for a more hands-on approach, a greater emphasis on transparency and accountability and a move away from traditional family foundations, to focus more on individualised giving. Read more…

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