Submissions Guidelines

Click here for our submission guidelines in French, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, and Arabic

Alliance is the place to be for what’s happening in philanthropy, everywhere.  As philanthropy’s critical friend, we amplify the voice and expertise of the global philanthropy community promoting peer exchange, dialogue and best practice.

Thousands of readers tune into our news and opinion from across the philanthropy and social investment field. We invite you to join the philanthropy conversation sharing news about something happening (or not happening) in philanthropy, writing an opinion piece, or penning reaction from a conference.

Alliance is committed to transparent editorial processes and decision-making. Our editorial processes are the same for everyone. Financial support of Alliance does not provide editorial access or preference.

Here, you will find submission guidelines including:

  • How to submit news

  • How to submit opinion or analysis

  • How to propose a special feature

Read the following information before sending a submission for consideration to our editors.


We welcome updates, announcements, tips, and press releases about recent or upcoming news in philanthropy and social investment. Please send relevant information to:


We welcome diverse perspectives from the global philanthropy field provoking insightful debate and discussion. As an informed observer, whose perspective will be of interest to those involved in the global philanthropy sector, we invite you to contribute by writing a piece on a specific aspect of philanthropy or social investment.

We are eager to receive submissions about topical issues, debates, and developments in philanthropy and social investment. We are specifically looking for personal reflections rather than more ‘corporate’ positions, even when writing as part of an organisation. Please avoid self-promotion or descriptions of your organisation’s activities.

Contributions can be as short as 500 words and no longer than 800 words. All contributions must be original content that has not been published elsewhere.

If you have an idea for a piece and want feedback, please email our Digital Editor, Charlotte Kilpatrick, at Please include a proposed headline along with a few sentences outlining your idea and any background information about your relevant experience in the field. Note that we do not accept submissions or articles generated by AI.


Alliance magazine is our quarterly flagship publication published each year in March, June, September and December in print, online and PDF formats.

Analysis in our print magazine and digital premium service Alliance Extra sets the agenda for the global philanthropy field sharing learning, ventilating debate, analysing research and trends.

We welcome high-quality diverse contributions from colleagues setting out their own quality analysis and are willing to engage in dialogue with the Alliance community of global philanthropy practitioners. Contribution lengths will be considered by the editor, but usually range between 900 and 1,500 words.

An outline idea should be sent in the body of an email and include a proposed headline along with a few sentences outlining your idea. Please include a proposed headline along with a few sentences outlining your idea and any background information about your relevant experience in the field. Submissions should be sent to our Digital Editor, Charlotte Kilpatrick, at

Proposing an in-depth Alliance special feature topic

Alliance magazine is our quarterly flagship publication published each year in March, June, September and December in print, online and PDF formats.

Alliance selects four topics to look at in depth each year.

We have a 13 week focus on these topics, the highlight of which is a 30-page special feature which appears in our magazine and online. We generate a longlist of ideas both internally and via proposals from our field. We put batches of special feature ideas to our Editorial Advisory Council in July each year.

If you have an idea for a focus topic and would like to be included in this process, please email us a 1–2-page pitch on the chosen topic including the idea to be explored, possible contributors, any timely links and why this matters globally. The ultimate decision lies with the editorial team and the Executive Editor. Pitches should be submitted by 30 June to our Features Editor, Andrew Milner, at

Alliance Inclusion Fund

We have launched an Inclusion Fund to make previously excluded voices more central to the philanthropy conversation. The initiative is an important part of our charitable mission as a nonprofit philanthropy publication. But it’s also something which we know will deliver a richer and more diverse publication. Learn more.