Social movement philanthropy
In this time of uncertainty and upheaval, philanthropy in all its forms, from mutual aid to major gifts, has come to life. The world’s largest foundations have made substantial commitments, sector bodies have called for endowments to be drawn on and for funding practices to change. Core funding has become philanthropic orthodoxy amid an impressive willingness to respond to immediate needs.
The dramatic events of recent months are likely to generate a new wave of social movements at the cutting edge of social change. The relationship of social movements to philanthropy is the focus of this long-planned issue guest edited by Halima Mahomed in South Africa, Graciela Hopstein in Brazil and Romy Krämer in Spain.
Here is an area in which institutional philanthropy has been missing in action with data from Candid suggesting that less than one per cent of funding goes to support movements. Could this be the moment when philanthropy finally gets behind social movements?
Elsewhere, we provide a round-up of the news of philanthropy’s contribution to tackling the pandemic around the world, reaction from our editorial advisory board, and an interview with the CEO of the Thomson Reuters Foundation on how it uses its unique expertise in the service of human rights and media freedom.