EFC and Vladimir Potanin Foundation launch philanthropic leadership platform


Alliance magazine


The EFC is launching a new philanthropy leadership exchange programme in partnership with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. The first edition of the exchange will take place from 5-8 November 2019 in Brussels and will focus on the question of how philanthropic organisations can co-create, learn, adapt and scale lasting solutions to societal challenges.

‘We are convinced that professional exchanges, getting acquainted with peers, and discussion of best practices are necessary conditions for growth and development of the non-profit sector,’ says Oksana Oracheva, General Director of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. ‘We hope that the programme will stimulate international dialogue, dissemination of best practices, and new partnerships.’

The four-day exchange will bring together 20 participants (10 from Europe and 10 from Russia) and will involve workshops, panel discussions, lectures, group work on specific topics, and site visits to innovative local projects as well as conversations with non-sectoral thought leaders. The programme will be informed by opinion pieces about how philanthropy has evolved and future trends, collected by the EFC in the framework of its 30th anniversary, as well as a working paper along similar lines produced by the Center for Philanthropy Development of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation.

‘We’re excited to launch this new peer-exchange for philanthropy leaders from Russia and Europe,’ says Gerry Salole, EFC Chief Executive. ‘Working with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, a long-time EFC member, has been particularly rewarding. Based on the success of our Philanthropic Leadership Platform exchanges between China and Europe, and Latin America and Europe, I’m sure this new programme will be a success as well.’

The exchange will provide participants with an opportunity to reflect upon predictions and insights offered by philanthropic actors with diverse perspectives on the evolution of the field. In light of these assessments, the participants will explore and discuss which methods, tools, models and practices are more effective in creating change.

For more see: http://www.efc.be

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