Luxembourg organizations launch centre of excellence for impact investing

Banque de Luxembourg, along with a number of other organizations in Luxembourg’s finance and investment field, has launched the European Impact Investing Luxembourg Initiative (EIIL). The initiative builds on a survey commissioned last year which proposed the establishment of a centre of excellence for impact investing in Luxembourg and an approach to impact investing under three heads: knowledge, framework and products.

Accordingly, EIIL will take the lead in devising a legal structure which will cover most types of social impact project; building a Luxembourg impact investment platform which will provide facilitation, coordination, networking and advice for projects to be set up in Luxembourg; cooperating with the government of Luxembourg in extending the double tax treaty framework to minimize the fiscal demands made on such investments; and establishing a university chair in impact investing at the Université du Luxembourg.

Other organizations involved include the law firms Arendt & Medernach and Elvinger, Hoss & Pruessen, the European Investment Fund, ADA-Microfinance, the Luxembourg Microfinance and Development Fund, Ernst & Young, ALFI (the association of the Luxembourg fund industry), European Fund Administration, Innpact (a private firm specialized in innovative responsible finance solutions) and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

For more information
Contact Corinne Feypel-Molitor at Email

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Siyon De Alwis

Greeting from Sri Lanka ! Dear Corinne Feypel Collaborator in Social Impact Business Mission The end of an era - but the impact lives on As we approach the crisis we often reflect on the challenges, growth, and triumphs we have experienced throughout the year. This year, however, we are reflecting on more than just 2022, but on the past 10 years of operation as an organization and the impact our community empowerment and Capacity building programs have had in the lives of thousands of individuals. This year was an especially challenging year for VASK and has led to some difficult decisions. We have officially decided to start New Year with new strategic priority and strategy of Public Private Charitable Partnership for sustainable development while we focus our energies on supporting our collaborating teams and local NGO partners in the Island. The Public Private Charitable Partnership for Sustainable Development Job technora, job creating network, and Meal Deal services are not simply strategies to create short-term outcome. They are proven pathways to creating long-term empowerment opportunities for youth who might otherwise remain jobless or employed in dead-end, low-skill jobs. Strategic investments in these programs offer a three-fold return on investment: providing short-term employment opportunities for jobless youth, helping to build the capacity of CBOs, CSOs and small businesses struggling in this economic crisis, and transforming participants’ long-term career prospects. “Empowerment not only helps to reduce poverty, it also gives youth independence and control over their own lives. It presents them with the opportunity to learn new things, gain skills, and make friends with people they meet through our network” As the general secretary of VASK foundation I have resolved to make an appeal for Vocational education support for our marginalized country side student in the target Districts. I am writing this letter to propose our partnership deal to your institute, which is working as SIB Vocational education sector. We have been operating in the country for more than ten years. Our NGO and Social Impact Business Network is focused on giving empowerment opportunities to youth, women, who are in marginalized. For that purpose, we have opened 05 centers and we will expand next year with your partnership, where we first train the youth and women, and then hire them for foreign and local employment and SIBN Development projects in the Phase II, so that they can at least stand on their feet. Currently, we have a team of 160 think tank members, Furthermore, all our SIBN affiliated in the Globe is ready for mobilize jobs under 05 categories Japan commitment is already 1670 and Germany 1120.As we provide Job based training, we need your facilitation to operate these centers. We have few of our centers in collaboration with your network. However, we have deemed another option to support our NGO, and hence, these target youth and women. A detailed proposal is attached to this letter. We hope you will consider our offer, and we hope to work in partnership with Vocational Authority. Your support for our special programme for youth drive will get a long way in making learning conductive all students will selected by our CBOs and CSO network under the divisional secretariat umbrella. Please be kind enough to be part of this worthy course, for further details kindly contact my office on +94 0112 269666 or me 075 9897533 / As a foundation, we express delight as you plan to stand with our students at this difficult moment. Impact Collective Public Private Charitable Partnership is a community-driven acceleration program for startups focusing on opportunities in the Island. We invest in, support, and connect startups that are solving global challenges to accelerate the positive impact in the world. Our nation has been losing a large portion of our manufacturing base business to overseas and low labor countries. The economic pressures that this trend has created here in the Sri Lanka are tremendous and food security under threats. Many global and National crises could prevent this inevitable transition if personnel familiar with more alternative Agriculture and social business methods were available. To accomplish this, selected District youth must have capacity trained in the Social impact business and sustainable development disciplines. In my 20 years of Development consultant experience, I have seen very few Colleges or Universities who truly understand and support this type of discipline. We are constantly looking for talented individuals to fill Social Impact Business positions in the country. We see a large shortage of graduates who have been taught in this area of expertise. As a result, we Public private partnership for Sustainable development constantly have to provide on the job training to our personnel. It can take years for individuals without experience or training in this discipline to become productive. I highly recommend your support of this programme and can assure you that District youth will greatly benefit from the resultant training and education that students entering this program will provide to District’s efforts to Sustainable Development. A VASK Foundation is an organization that helps Youth Sri Lanka, start-up companies and individual entrepreneurs to develop their businesses by providing a full-scale range of services starting with management training, Machineries and ending with venture capital financing. Our approach defines business incubators as a catalyst tool for either regional or national economic development. We work with our members' incubators by the following approach PHASE 1 - Ecological and Adventure training center with Eco friendly tourism ( land is available in the Airport area metro colombo and other ecoturism hot pots in the 20 locations )        PHASE II        Sustainable Development & Social Impact Business incubator and start business with our over 26000 Women group members in the island ( With partnership, Loan and Investment )      We would like to invite you as our liaison executive director Social Impact Business International Affiliated partner for Investment and mission. We have our country office with all building land and other facilities with consultants. if you have interest, please let us know, our pitch deck will be sent How we work! Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely Siyon De Alwis General Secretary / Founder SIBN / VASK Foundation

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